Mediabrands Data & Technology Training Media Kit

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Cadreon Business Pitch Resources

Communication guidelines and resources for promoting our training offerings

How to Promote Our Training Offering to Clients

Programmatic training continues to be a hot topic in today’s business conversations with clients and partners. Whether you’re attempting to elevate our value proposition with existing clients, or position Cadreon to potential clients as the industry leader in programmatic education, being able to clearly articulate our training services will help support your objective.

This page is provided as a resource to help you deliver a strong message to your business audiences about our training capabilities. It includes key talking points to help accurately guide your description of our education offerings, and a series of downloadable assets for distribution.
media kit client workbooks

Why is Cadreon the leader in programmatic training?

Our training stands out from our competitors’ programmatic offerings. Here are some reasons why.

Talking Points: Cadreon’s Programmatic Education Workshops

Course Design
Cadreon’s training courses are training experiences in the truest sense of the word. Developed by professional instructional designers, the courses are interactive and participant-centered, and contain carefully considered learning objectives that directly map to strong, contemporary content. The courses are well organized with a sequential flow of content that’s delivered in digestible chunks, followed by frequent, group-based reinforcement exercises throughout.
Course Content
Our comprehensive training courses contain the most up-to-the-minute industry knowledge and information that’s been fully vetted by Cadreon’s team of highly skilled programmatic experts.
Professional Instruction
Our workshops are delivered by real programmatic experts who do this for a living and can speak from vast experience. We also prepare our top people to be top trainers. Each of our experts must first attend a rigorous Train-The-Trainer certification program before they’re authorized to teach any of the Cadreon programmatic workshops.
Course Materials
Our dual-purpose workbooks are packed with rich content, serving as classroom material and useful post-training reference that helps support learning outside the training class. Polished visuals are smartly designed with a minimal amount of clutter to effectively help participants learn theoretical and practical concepts. The interactive courses are also supported by learning aids such as exercise flash cards and large colorful handouts.

Whether it’s the polished workbook design, the logical layout of content, the concise writing, or the professionally designed graphics, Cadreon cuts no corners with our materials. We treat our attendees as the business and industry professionals they are, and believe they deserve high quality materials to go with a high quality learning experience.
Post-Training Support Tools
Knowledge must travel beyond the class to where it’s needed. We support our live training with agile, on-demand digital tools that deliver helpful information when needed. Through the use of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, Cadreon’s digital support tools harness the power of simplicity in their design to provide fast access to useful content when it’s needed.

In addition to our mobile tools, we offer access to a client-facing website that includes many resources, such as click-and-read tutorials, e-learning courses, videos, and a programmatic glossary.
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Talking Points – Programmatic Education Workshops
Printable version of talking points describing Cadreon’s programmatic training workshopsThis is intended for internal use only – DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

 Download PDF

Other Considerations: Cadreon’s Programmatic Education Workshops

Course Customization
For a fee, our training courses can be slightly modified to suit specific client needs. However, this must be negotiated up front, properly scoped, and is contingent on the availability of a resource to complete the work. A lead time of 30-45 days is required to develop custom material, minimum. Contact your market lead for any and all customization requests.

Fees and Costs
Costs associated with a Cadreon training workshop includes price of workbooks, T&E costs for trainers, and a flat fee for the course. Contact your market lead for any and all price negotiations with clients.

Downloadable Course Flyers and Information Sheets

Printable information resources about our live training offerings. Download and share with clients and partners.

Cadreon_Programmatic_ Explained_Flyer

Programmatic Explained
Course Flyer

Cadreon_Programmatic_ Advanced_Flyer

Programmatic Advanced
Course Flyer

Programmatic Mobile workshop information sheet

Programmatic Mobile
Course Flyer

DMP Basics
Course Flyer
Cadreon Programmatic Explained Modules and Topics

Programmatic Explained
Course Modules and Topics
Cadreon Programmatic Explained Modules and Topics

Programmatic Advanced
Course Modules and Topics

Cadreon Programmatic Mobile Outline

Programmatic Mobile
Course Modules and Topics